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5 Bloody Weird Ways Founders Can Deal with “No’ and Rejection

5 Bloody Weird Ways Founders Can Deal with “No’ and Rejection

No sucks
No hurts
No stings
No makes you think you're the problem
No knocks confidence
No makes you doubt yourself
No makes you doubt your brand
No stifles momentum

Every founder needs to fall in love with No.

Here’s 5 Weird Ways to REFRAME No and Rejection.

1. Yes lies in the Net of No

People always ask me: “How do you land such big guests on the podcast?”

In January, I reached out to 17 dream food and drink founders, I’d LOVE to interview.

Not one single reply

*tumble weed awkward silence *awkward train fart

Yes lies in the Net of No.

You need a HUGE “No” net to land some big “Yeses”

Late yesterday evening, a guest who I never, ever, ever, ever dreamed of coming on has agreed to do HUNGRY. Given me 45 mins. Maybe our biggest guest of all time.

MIND BLOOOOOWN, boi-sheeeeee

Not getting enough Yeses?
Increase your No net.
Go for no.

2. The Fuck You Fodder Way

Every time someone tells me “No”

I alchemise the rejection and pain (I’m a sensitive little sod) into Fuck You Fodder.

Fuck You Fodder is nothing personal against that person btw.

It’s an INTERNAL reframe that pours gasoline on my drive.

”Watch this, I’ll prove you wrong”.

“Right, I’m going to work SO HARD, that you’ll be gagging to come on the podcast next year”

No = pain and rejection = fuck you fodder = fuel = drive = tailwind.

No is Tailwind not Headwind.

3. The No is not No. It’s not now Way

No is not no. It’s not now.

This is the only one where I sound like a sales trainer-with-a-lisp and small hands from Mars or Pepsico.

But, this one’s a biggie. Be super respectful when you get a No. Volley and parry back with “no worries at all”.

Next, put a reminder in your calendar every 2 months to Drop your No’s a note.

BUT here’s the trick.


Don’t be a needy-little beg and ASK: “Hey, did you get my samples? Would love to set up a zoom call to discuss the next TESCO ranging window?”

Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. ICK.

Give a complement “I really loved that new product you listed”
Give a piece of news “I think you’ll really love this article about kombucha”
Give a recipe “I know you love cooking beans, here’s a recipe I found”
Give a bit of banter, if they’re an Liverpool fan “Unlucky, with the Arsenal result AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” (definitely DON’T DO THIS).

When giving you’re still persisting, but persisting politely.

Let them come to you, when they’re ready.

4. The Spiritual Sales Way

Yeah, so, like, I’m, like so, like, kinda a spiritual guy. Pottery. Naked Forest Yoga. Sniffing Bark. Making sweet little necklaces out of acorns. Thai food. Tie-Die Tea parties (I travel, boi)

Don’t @ me bro

All jokes aside. I do, really believe the Universe is working for us.

No is a compass pointing you to something better.
No is a compass to the right Yes.

The amount of times I’ve been SO SO close to getting a deal done. Last minute, it falls through.

Last May, I had a huge sponsorship deal done basically over the line.

I’d met this bloke 5 times. Coffee and beers. Beers and coffee.

The bloke was like “Come meet my wife, if we’re going to be working so closely together”. I did. We got pissed. Had a great time. He even paid my UBER Home. What a Hero, I thought.

Then he ghosted me. No reply. No reply on WhatsApp or email. Nothing. Nada.

I felt like a bag of shit after all that work.

But, remember:

No is a compass pointing you to something better.
No is a compass to the right Yes.

No ALWAYS leads to something better. I ended up partnering with Harry Clarke and HC Consulting instead which has been a DREAM COME TRUE.

5. The Looking at The Problem from the Wrong Way Round Way

6 months ago I joined a new gym. And, I hated going.


The parking

(God, I sound like a proper highly-strung, snow-flake (which I am) but it’s more illustrative)

Every single time it’d cause me HUGE levels of stress.

The spaces were so small.

I’d always think: “how can ANYONE park here?”.

Sounding like a disgruntled old lady-who’s-train-is-delayed… THIS IS RIDICULOUS”.

One day, everything changed.

As I got out my car, I realised I was the odd one out.

Every single car was different. Totally different. Every single car had reversed into their parking space.

I’d been trying to front wheel drive park (if that’s even how you say it ahahhaa). No wonder it caused so much agg.

The lesson?

Sometimes, you’ve just got to look at a problem the wrong way around.

When someone says “No”.

Look at the problem from the wrong way round.

For example, you go into an Indie retailer, they say No. But in a really wishy washy way.

  • “We’ll take a look at it and give you some feedback”

  • “maybe in a couple of weeks.. busy with Easter right now”

  • “Don’t have the time right now… ”

  • “Currently happy with how our range is performing”

Most sales reps ask this question: “How do we GET this indie stockists to list our brand?”

Alas, it provides wishy-washy answers = wishy-washy results.

Instead, flip the question, view the problem from the wrong way round:

“What is STOPPING this indie stockist listings our brand?”.

When asking this question, what’s STOPPING them from listing it - they’re pain points become lucidly clear.

  • Uncertain due to risk of taking a new brand and it not selling through

  • Uncertain whether or not their customers will like it

  • Uncertain as no trust has been built with brand yet

Then just offer solutions

Offer 3 free units per SKU listing

Give them three units for free essentially

  • this reduces uncertainty of purchasing a new brand

  • this reduces uncertainty of giving up shelf space for it not to sell

  • this creates a small win, they’ll probably sell through those three units quickly vs a full case of 6 or 12. Psychologically you’re on the front foot.

Offer a sampling session on the weekend

  • this builds trust by proving theres pull through and bite from the customers

  • this creates theatre for their customers = happy customers = builds trust between your brand + indie

Sometimes all it takes is looking at the problem from the wrong way round.

Sales Director? Send this to your field sales team and let them try it next time their on the road.

Founder? Next time you’re on the road give these a whirl

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This week’s newsletter is powered by our wonderful sponsor HC Consulting

Harry Clarke and Lili Wiranatha are doing EPIC work with EPIC brands -Holy Moly Dips, The Gut Stuff, Savyll Drinks, REMEO Gelato

  • Struggling to unlock distribution?

  • Sales pitch not landing?

  • Don’t want to hire a full time sales director - but need the advice and guidance?

  • Need a helping handing with account management to keep your beloved listing?

    Please do yourself a favour.

    Reach out to my boi, Harry Clarke, Harry may be able to help!

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