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  • are you dumb? one simple hack to make any brand STAND out on shelf

are you dumb? one simple hack to make any brand STAND out on shelf

How do you make black blacker?
How do you make white whiter?

Well, think about it and use your little peanut brain for a second Thicko

It’s really not that hard.

Stick white next to black. White becomes whiter.
Stick Black next to white. Black becomes blacker.

Sir John Hegarty, founder of Saachi & Saachi has a gorgeous book on Creativity.

The book is short and simple.

Yet rich and luscious and deep and profound, Like an early morning Double Espresso shot in a sun-dappled and flowered-fluttered Portuguese Court Yard.

You’ll gobble the whole book in one swift bite. Like scoffing a soft, sweet, steaming morning Madeline from a Parisian Cafe.

C’est Bonne, Bonne.

(Sorry…MMMMmmmmmmm Paaaaastries are clearly on my mind)

In the book, John talks about the power of juxtaposition

What is a Juxtaposition?

“the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.”

Once you notice this, you’ll notice this everywhere.

Most of the best selling book titles are juxtapositions:

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

juxtaposition = Subtle Art vs. Fuck

The Monk Who sold his Ferrari

juxtaposition = Monk vs. Ferrari

** the author of this book, is probably in my Top Three of people I’d least like to go for a pint with….

“Hey my name’s Robin, so, is this like an English pub?! let me tell you about this Monk who sold his Ferrari… “

“Ohhh Shaaadddapppp and eat some pork scratchings will you please Robin”

there’s tonnes more. I’m lazy. Google them yourself.

Juxtaposition works in Food and Drink Brand building. It's a secret. A secret you’ll see everywhere.

Rude Health

Rude = naughty and cheeky

Health = vitality and health and spritely

juxtaposition = Rude vs. Health

Lucky Saint

Lucky Saint

juxtaposition = Lucky vs. Saint

Bold Bean Co.

Bean = banal ingredient no one really thinks about

Bold = well, it’s fucking bold.

juxtaposition = Bold vs. Bean


Calm in Everyday Chaos

juxtaposition = Calm vs. Chaos.

Liquid Death.

Liquid = life, water, vitality, rejuvenation, health

Death = well, it’s Death.

juxtaposition = Liquid vs. Death.

Juxtaposition is like the golden ticket to grab people’s most prized possession:


Fuck knows the psychologically behind it. But who cares. It works.

JUBELs latest rebrand is juxtaposition

The strap line juxtaposition

Dangerously refreshing.

**instantly reminds me of skiing. The alps. Drinking beer cut with peach. Refreshing mountain air. Danger of skiing. Refreshing first sip of beer. Danger of getting fucked and skiing down the mountain full-cut. Dangerously refreshing.

juxtaposition = Dangerously vs. Refreshing

The packaging juxtaposition

Why I love JUBEL’s rebrand it's a gorgeous visual juxtaposition too.

The colour and copy cut at an angle is utter genius.

**excuse the screen shots, I am finishing writing this news letter at 4.30am at Ibiza airport, my lappy is out of Raz 😂😂

Next time you’re looking to shake up your comms and get people's attention use juxtaposition.

have a top weekend shaggers

Pope xx

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