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Are you leaving a HUGE opportunity on the table? Be like DIRTEA, just look up!!

Are you leaving a HUGE unseen opportunity on the table? Be like DIRTEA, look up!!

As soon as she said it. I stopped in my tracks.

Really? Did the business world lie to us? Is real life different?
Are we leaving a huge opportunity on the table?

I was recording a poddy with my sister-from-another-mister, Lottie Unwin

Lottie said: “Do you remember that time, you suddenly realise you’re no longer the YOUNG CONSUMER?”.

I’ve just hit 30.
But, I still FEEL 21.

I’m 30.

Yes, of course, I still love playing PlayMobile on the front room carpet.

Of course, I still love hurtling around the gaff-ra-geenie pretending I’m a Transformer-from-Tenerife-called-Terry. I love building Fortress of Cushions and Blankets in the Conservatory. Don’t @me,bro.

For my 30th.

Me and the fakin’ leds-leds-leds did a Kent KFC Service Station Tour (6 KFC’s at 6 different service stations in total) in a Hummer. Final destination: Tractor World, Tunbridge Wells. Few tinnies on on the JCB’s. Can’t lie to you was fucking wild.

I’m 30 and, of course, I go to Wanky Hummus Crispz n’ Aperol Spritz nights. Plumped up White Company cushions, Plumped up PWC Egos. Like the Hummus, Rather Bland Company.

Yes, of course, as I’ve got older, I’ve matured and my values have changed. But that’s none of you fuckin’ beeswax you fuckin stinkin’-poop.

Been thinking LONG and HARD (wahhh-fuckin-HEYyyyyyyyyyyy) about this question and the impacts on challenger brands.

Do you remember that time, you suddenly realise you’re no longer the YOUNG CONSUMER?”.

Are challenger brands missing a trick?
Are challenger brands leaving a potentially huge opportunity on the table?

The more I think about it.

I’ve got 40 year friends who still feel 25.
I’ve got 52 year old friends who feel 38.
I’ve got a 80 year old Nana who still feels 26 (especially at Caravan Club, Marge, you naughty minx)

Maybe the Business World told us a lie?

In Business, we’re taught there’s a HUMUNGOUS DIFFERENCE between a 22 and 62 year old and a 35 and 52 year and 44 and 75 year old.

In Business, we’re taught that age and demographic makes you a TOTALLY DIFFERENT HUMAN.

In Business, we’re taught that when a 33 year old has kids they morph into a sort of alien.

In Business, we’re taught that when people hit 63 they suddenly, overnight, they change who they are.

In Business, we’re taught a 22 year old has NOTHING in common with a 60 year old.

In Business, we’re taught to position our brand by demographic. Sometimes this leaves a huge dormant opportunity on the table.

Seth Godin: Demographic vs. Psychographic

Seth Godin aka The Marketing God has a clear distinction:

Demographic: age, residence, income

Psychographic: unique tastes, interests, values, world view.

Seth says, most brands and marketeers focus on Demographic > Psychographic


Your Psychographic doesn’t change at the same speed as your Demographic.

A 60 Year old who’s into Health and Fitness has tonnes in common with 21 year old who’s into Health and Fitness.

Demographic DIFFERENT.
Psychographic SIMILAR.

A 45 year old who’s into Meat and Barbecuing has tonnes in common with a 23 year old who’s into Meat and Barbecuing.

Demographic DIFFERENT.
Psychographic SIMILAR.

A 19 year old who’s into Fashion has tonnes in common with a 73 year old who’s into Fashion.

Demographic DIFFERENT.
Psychographic SIMILAR.

In Real life, yes, your values and personality change as you get married and have kids and stop slamming Sambuka till 4am and start taking belligerent Saturday Morning drives to the Tip.


Your Psychographic doesn’t change at the same speed as your Demographic.

Where’s the UNSEEN opportunity for challenger brands?

Typically challenger brands target consumers by AGE and DEMOGRAPHIC.

We, also, myopically masturbate over how we can target Gen Z or Millennials.

Why do we never ask, how do we target the older demographic with the same psychographics? Because this unlocks a whole new market (with more money, too)

DIRTEA and Dormant Markets

Let’s use DIRTEA as an example:

Alex Smith on the podcast, talked about CORE MARKET vs. DORMANT MARKET.

DIRTEA’s CORE market (demographic and psychographic) is probably 25 year olds to 36 year olds who like wellness, eating healthy and being-incredibly-boring-at-dinner-parties.


Look up, you’ll find a DORMANT MARKET. Older people with the same psychographic, who like wellness, eating healthy and being-incredibly-boring-at-dinner-parties.

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Population stats:

Out of the UK 26.3% (15.6 million) were aged 40 to 59 years. 24.4% (14.5 million) were aged 60 years and over.

A whole new dormant market is waiting for you, if you just look upwards.

The huge caveat on all of this: different demographic, same psychographic

DIRTEA is a filthy good example of targeting by Psychographic AND Demographic

A snapshot of their Instagram and I’ve also seen their paid ads.

A 55 year old who values health and wellness
A 30 year old who values health and wellness
A 22 year old who values health and wellness.

Different demographic, same psychographic

BIG Caveat on all of this

  1. If you’re a small brand just starting out, absolutely and relentlessly focus on ONE demographic and psychographic - be laser focused - you don’t have the budget or luxury of this, just yet.

  2. Most of the time, by being laser focused on a core demographic and psychographic, you will, invariably attract others to your tribe.

But… if you’re a brand who’s further along the adoption curve, with more marketing muscle, in the pursuit of becoming a household brand yet kinda stuck.

Say you’re in Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and are trying to move from Early Adopters/Majority to Early Majority (see below).

Maybe look up.
A whole dormant market awaits you.

Have a fookin’ banging weeknd ourr kiddd

Popey x

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