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  • How To Find Out What Really Drives You and What To Do With The Superpower When You Know (…it’s not always pretty)

How To Find Out What Really Drives You and What To Do With The Superpower When You Know (…it’s not always pretty)

How To Find Out What Really Drives You and What To Do With The Superpower When You Know (…it’s not always pretty)

The Win is a Mirror to Your Drive.

We’ve had some absolutely HUGE wins recently.
HUNGRY can really kick on.

Podcasting is now my full time gig.
I’m incredibly excited.

After a huge win, it’s like runners high.

Everything is lucid and crystal clear.
If you sit with it for a moment.

Be present.
Like really, really present.

You’ll notice what ACTUALLY drives you.

It’s exciting.
And scary.
And weird.
And strange.
And wonderful.

The Win is a Mirror revealing in the cold light of day what really drives you.

But, the wins, also reveal some ghastly truths.

“Drive” is a multitude of different ingredients.

I vehemently disagree with Stephen Bartlett that all drive comes from pain or childhood trauma.

It’s click bait reductionism.

“Yeah mate, I think Annie Mac became a DJ because she loved the joy and play and fun of creating music”

“Not because her Dad didn’t give her white pudding for breakie and was bonking the Dinner Lady”

Petrol is made up of 150 different hydrocarbons.

Our drive, like petrol, is similar. It’s not made up of one ingredient

After a win, you’ll notice what REALLY drives you.

I chundered out this list, as I was walking

  • Fun

  • Joy

  • Pain

  • Neurosis

  • Messiah

  • Imposter

  • Anger

  • Helping others

  • Creativity

  • Play

  • Fear

  • Pride

  • Aggression

  • Happiness

  • Competitive

  • Winning

  • Fear of Losing

  • Doing amazing things

  • Legacy

Some thoughts rushing through my head:

“Wow, I’m so proud of myself…look what I’ve achieved… that’s fucking insane mate”

“This is FUCKING SICK… lets go baby… lets goooooooooo”

“Told you stupid fuckers that doubted me… you should never have fucking doubted me”

“Oh god… what if I lose everything” “What if everything goes Pete Tong??!!”

“This is fucking sick, I get to do a podcast for living… what the actual F”

“This is literally the best job in the world”

“Oh my god, that was a slog…am I going to burnout ”

“This is so much fun”

“Don’t you dare get complacent… keep pushing, keep pushing”

“Keep grafting, keep grafting

“I need a beer”

The Win Reveals The Drive
The Win Reveals The Drive
The Win Reveals The Drive

  1. I’m totally neurotic

  2. The Win Reveals The Drive

If you boil it down.

You can kinda split drive into two branches.

Your drive operates from two places.

1. Fear and Neurotic Drive

  • Anxious about competition

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Worried everything is going to go wrong

  • comparing yourself to others who are ahead

  • Anxiety about the future

  • highly competitive

  • “I have to do this”

  • this is hard.

  • I want to quit

    2. Joy and Play Drive

  • Focusing on yourself

  • backing yourself

  • Finding the play and joy in work

  • taking things slowly

  • “I get to do this”

  • I can’t believe this is actually my job

  • I am so lucky I get to do this

Most of the time I “try” to operate from Joy and Play Drive

Knowing what drives you is liberating.

The truth hides in the shade.
You can see your blind spots.

The Fear and Neurotic Drive Abyss

Knowing when I’m falling into the abyss of fear and neurotic drive is helpful.

I am usually burning out.
Overcooking it.

Last month, I recorded 16 podcasts, wrote 8 newsletters, did one live supper club, onboarded a new sponsor.

That took me from Joy and Play Drive to Fear and Neurotic Drive

I know. I hope.
I hope, I know that I need to slow down.
Work less.
Read more.
See friends.
Take a holiday.
Eat a fucking sandwich.

Staying in Joy and Fun Play Drive requires Stoic Self Discipline

avoid these

  • Checking LinkedIn too often

  • Comparing yourself to other food and drink founders

  • Comparing yourself to others

  • Worrying about competition and the future

  • Checking sales figures more than 1 x per week (or downloads)

do this

  • Talk to friends outside of work - most of my mates have never listened to one of my podcast. I love that.

  • Do 3 hours of deep work a day. The rest is do absolutely fuck all.

Buttt…….Fear and Neurotic drive is USEFUL

there are many times a week, when I don’t want to write a newsletter or record a podcast.

there are many times when I feel nervous before podcasts, I think, I LITERALLY can’t do this.

I face thrashing, howling winds of “Resistance”.

fear and neurotic drive is great to push through resistance.

A force you can call upon to literally smash through obstacles.

When I push on the fear and neurotic drive accelerator it pulls me through.

But, I am trying to spend 80% of my time operating from Play and Joy drive.

What drives you?

Harry Clarke and Lili Wiranatha are doing EPIC work with EPIC brands -Holy Moly Dips, The Gut Stuff, Savyll Drinks, REMEO Gelato

  • Struggling to unlock distribution?

  • Sales pitch not landing?

  • Don’t want to hire a full time sales director - but need the advice and guidance?

  • Need a helping handing with account management to keep your beloved listing?

    Please do yourself a favour.

    Reach out to my boi, Harry Clarke, Harry may be able to help!

Deets here:

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